FOMO: How to Tackle the Fear of Missing Out in Community Management
As a community manager, it’s easy to feel the pressure of constantly being in the loop and up-to-date on the latest trends within the community industry. You see other community managers who are conference speakers, bloggers, and more. And sometimes you can feel like you are simply not doing enough. And I am almost 100% sure that many community managers have a desk full of industry books, notes, and calendars full of workshops, and courses, and follow at least a few groups and newsletters. Just like me! And even if they don’t have it, they do everything they can to be the best community manager for their community. This is the feeling known as FOMO or the fear of missing out.
I recently took a break from being an active community manager, member, speaker, blogger, you name it… Since 2022 was super busy and intensive, and for the whole year I didn’t really have time for other things but community-related, I really crave reading a book not work-related, going to a concert, resting, and focusing on small things which make me enjoy my life. And December sounds like the best time for that.
But upon returning, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of FOMO. I had missed out on important conversations and updates within the community and the market, and it made me feel like I was playing catch-up.
But as I delved deeper into the “updating process”, I realized that FOMO is a natural part of being a community manager. The nature of online communities is that they are constantly evolving and changing, and it’s impossible to be always a part of everything.
Some time ago (since FOMO isn’t a newly discovered thing in my career path), in one community for community managers, I am a member of, I asked “How do you handle FOMO?”
These are some of the responses I received:
So… the topic isn’t fresh and new. And going back to this question made me realize that I am not the only one (no Olga, you aren’t so special). Also, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different and it’s not healthy to compare yourself to others.
Instead of allowing FOMO to consume me, I decided to focus on the positive. I took the opportunity to rethink my priorities and find my own way and method in all this.
First of all, it’s time to remember a few important things:
- Don’t beat yourself up for missing out on certain updates and trends. Remember that it’s impossible to be a part of every conversation and that’s okay.
- Use FOMO as an opportunity to dive deeper into the community and make meaningful connections with its members. Reach out to other community managers and learn more about their experiences and perspectives.
- Most importantly, remember to appreciate all the hard work that goes into being a community manager. It’s not an easy job, but the impact it has on a community is immeasurable. Appreciate yourself!
And with this mindset, I jumped into action! And created my own universal compass for 2023 that anyone can use.
- Prioritize: Prioritize the most important and relevant information for your role and focus on that first.
- Be selective: Be selective about the sources you follow and the information you consume. Follow reputable sources and experts in the field, and avoid following too many sources or subscribing to too many newsletters.
- Take breaks: My new favorite! Take regular breaks from consuming information and give yourself time to process what you’ve learned.
- Create a schedule: Create a schedule for consuming information, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, it will help you to be consistent and make sure you are not missing anything.
- Reflect: Reflect on what you’ve learned and think about how it can be applied to your role, this will help you to understand the relevance and importance of the information.
And one more thing!
It’s important to remember that the opposite of FOMO is HOMO — “the happiness of missing out” — sometimes it’s important to take a break, step back and rest, in order to come back stronger, more focused, and more efficient. Community managers need to take care of themselves and their well-being to be able to provide the best support to their communities.
So, to all the community managers out there, don’t be too hard on yourself if you feel the FOMO creeping in. Remember that you’re just human and you deserve a break. Your skill set and knowledge won’t disappear in two months, and taking time for yourself will only make you a better community manager in the long run.
And always remember that HOMO is your friend, give yourself a break and come back refreshed and ready to continue supporting and developing your community.
Have a great and meaningful 2023 Everyone!